Model painting and the associated tools are an essential part of our model railroad hobby.
In this class, your instructor Doug Hodgdon will show you the assortment of paints, solvents, stains, brushes, and other tools that he uses at his own workbench, and how they may fit into your creative process.
Doug’s idea is to get you, the modeler, to really enjoy experimenting with many different types of products available. And, in time, you’ll see that using a variety of materials and techniques adds a higher level of believability to your model railroad scene.
Follow along with Doug and try out model painting and tools for yourself. It’s fun and rewarding. Explore your creativity.
Class Guide PDF
Download this Guide as a reminder of the key details you’ll see in the video instruction.
Video: Meet Your Instructors
Download this short video to meet your class instructor, Doug Hodgdon.
Video: Antique Air Brushes
Listen to Doug talk about how some old-school models of air brushes.
Session 1: Introduction

Meet your instructor Doug Hodgdon in this opening session, and get a bit of perspective on his modeling experience and the line-up for this class.
Session 2: Paints & Stains

In this session, Doug gives you an overview on paints, including hardware paints, craft paints, artist paints, and model paints. Each product has its own particular use in our hobby. With so many choices, it’ll help you to understand the differences of each. Doug also likes to use hardware stains. You will see his favorites in this session.
Session 3: Solvents

Doug keeps a full range of solvents on hand for his assortment of paints and stains, and some can be toxic. Using care and small quantities in labeled mixing bottles are the way to go. Try this out for yourself.
Session 4: Brushes

Having a large variety of brushes within reach is a must as you work. In this session, Doug explains using inexpensive hardware or craft brushes for non-essential painting and artist quality brushes for critical work. Experimentation is key in our hobby.
Session 5: Air Brushes

An airbrush is probably one of the most versatile tools you can acquire for modeling use. You’ll see an inexpensive model for scenery and weathering work and a quality brush for model painting. Experimentation will provide the correct amount of thinning for the paint that you’re using.
Session 6: Tools

A selection of small hand tools is important for cleaning up parts before you paint. You’ll see how Doug uses some key tools, including an air compressor and a spray booth with a hood and vent fan. Let your creativity flow!
Session 7: Wrap-Up

If this the best you can do I wasted my money by going GOLD.
Thank you for the class on " Model Paints and Tools ". It was very informative comprehensive. It showed many ways of painting and weathering different things. Thank you again for sharing this class.
Great videos I have been painting for many years, but it is easy to forget basics. Ron Rosenberg
Very informative and comprehensive. Refreshed my knowledge of some things, and introduced helpful tips on others.