Taking Track Talk Live on the road again, Model Railroad Academy’s Doug Hodgdon (“Clickety”) and Steve Doyle (“Clack”) visited the 129-year old St. Louis Park Depot in Minnesota, which once served the Milwaukee Road, and learned more about its preservation as a National Register of Historic Places site. In the monthly live event, they also fielded more than 30 questions from beginner-to-intermediate level-viewers in all scales on topics ranging from wiring, building mock-ups and crossover track wiring to glues, DCC operations, and a host of other model railway topics.

I am new to rail roaring. My three daughters bought a set fo me when I could not function in mr wood shop. Now, three years later I can function much better. My wife allowed me 16' x14' off the living room. My daughtor that lives close helped my wife and I build 5 tables to start with. I have a small comunity on the one big 4 x 8 table. Now I have to expand to other tables. I in "0" scale.
What is the address of the St. Louis Park, Minnesota Depot and is there a HO scale model operating display in this depot? If not, where in St. Louis Park is there a club to visit or see an operating club display...plus the admission fee if any? I live in Kansas City, MO but do make it up to the Twin Cities now and then. Thank you. Curtis L. Skatvold
7pm your time is midnight in the UK. Most sensible railroaders are long since asleep by then. Not really a time for UK subscribers. Though I can't figure out a solution.
I have 1 loco out of five that seams to have a power drop in 1 spot the others don't have that problem what is your take on it
Any suggestions on how to remove dust from scenery. I have used an old nylon stocking over a vacuum but it is still too powerful for fragile scenery, trees,etc.
what is the difference between HO and OO if any? p.s. I like your videos a lot.
I want to further my train experience.What would be a good ho or n set to start with.
Great Program