The Ultimate Model Railroad Collection with X-ACTO Knife Set
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Bundle: The Ultimate Model Railroading 11-DVD Set with X-ACTO Knife Set
This is the most comprehensive collection of tips, techniques, ideas and inspiration that a model railroader will need. Improve your skills on every key aspect of building, maintaining, and improving great model railroad layouts. This set includes the 11 DVDs noted below, with nearly 12 hours of help.
PLUS, with this special bundled set, you’ll receive a comprehensive X-ACTO knife set, a value of $28 on its own. Your knife set includes 3 different knife sizes, along with a full set of 13 precision blades. The X-ACTO precision knife is the original cutting tool for any application requiring a precise, accurate cut, and is a perfect addition to any model railroading work space.
Installing DCC From Start to Finish – 77 minutes
Steve Barkley, your host, is a life-long modeler. Like many of you, Steve swore he would never convert his layout to DCC and never use a computer to assist with his operations. But once he got started and discovered that everyday modelers can add DCC to their layouts, the sky was the limit. Steve demonstrates how you too can get started in DCC or add advanced features, such as signals, into your DCC system.
Painting the Backdrops – 78 minutes
Urban scenes can be a challenge because of space constraints. Tom uses several techniques to add depth to his urban scenes using little to no layout real estate. By following Tom’s tips you can create a detailed urban scene in an evening. And stay tuned to learn how to hide holes and make roads disappear into your backdrop. No matter what state your layout is in, there’s something new to learn!
Quick Tips for Every Modeler – 65 minutes
Model Railroaders can never get enough good tips for their layout and we have them here for you. Whether you are an advanced modeler or just beginning, or if you have a finished layout or just starting out, these are tips you can use. Gerry Leone shares a plethora of tips for creating scenery, weathering, tools, organizing your workbench and more!
Adding Visual Interest to Flatlands – 69 minutes
Often times when building a model railroad, it can be difficult to avoid flat, empty areas in your scene. Maybe the landscape upon which you’ve designed your layout is made up mostly of cornfields, or perhaps your train’s tracks pass through an industrial town without much other than a few buildings. NMRA Master Model Railroader Gerry Leone shows you tips and techniques that you can do to take that next step to keep those big flat areas from being boring and lacking interest.
Weathering, Wiring and Modeling Tools – 83 minutes
One of the things that makes model railroading such an interesting hobby is that there are so many aspects to it. NMRA Master Model Railroader, Gerry Leone, shares a variety of techniques you can use. From modeling rolled roofing to wiring a power reversing switch, all are great ways to improve your layout and all are guaranteed to be fun.
Paper to Plywood and Decaling – 52 minutes
Many model railroaders use computer aided design programs to help them plan their trackwork. Other modelers still use the old reliable pencil and paper. Regardless of the method you choose to use, you still need a way to get your plans from paper to plywood. NMRA Master Model Railroader, Gerry Leone, shares with you simple tools you can use that will help you get from paper to plywood quickly and easily.
Top Wiring Techniques – 47 minutes
When it comes to wiring your model railroad, there are many options to choose from. It can even be overwhelming at times because there are so many facets to it. Gerry Leone breaks it down and shares some top wiring techniques to help you make wise chocies about wiring your own layout. From organizing your wiring into power districts to wiring a turnout, Top Wiring Techniques has the essential information you need.
Easy to Make Backdrops – 51 minutes
Back in the early days of model railroading, backdrops were the exception. Today with narrower layouts, wider aisles, and walk-around layouts, backdrops are almost a necessity. They can be as simple or complex as you want them to be. NMRA Master Model Railroader, Gerry Leone, shows you a relatively inexpensive option on how to make an effective backdrop from start to finish.
Terrific Tools and Tips – 62 minutes
Model Railroaders love tools. Especially when they have the right tool for the right job. NMRA Master Model Railroader, Gerry Leone shows you a variety of specialized tools. These tools are fairly inexpensive, easy to use and a must have for every serious modeler. Gerry also gives great tips for working with CA & Epoxy, installing trees, cleaning wheels on your rollingstock and much much more!
Roadbed, Track and Turnout Techniques – 55 minutes
Your model railroad track is an essential part of your layout. NMRA Master Model Railroader, Gerry Leone, gives you a series of lessons on how to make the most of it. You’ll learn about choosing the right roadbed for added realism, the benefits of working with flex-track and how to prepare and lay it. Plus, you’ll get the expert tips you need to build turnouts and more!
Best Tips of Great Model Railroads – 61 minutes
Take a ride with us and learn all the best and most helpful tips and tricks to create your own great model railroad! This video gives an overall look into how to make your railroads unique.
X-ACTO Basic Knife Set ($28 Value)
The X-ACTO precision knife is the original cutting tool for any application requiring a precise, accurate cut. This cutting and trimming tool has been used for years by hobbyists and others for making careful cuts and trims consistently and with confidence. Now you can purchase the original X-ACTO knife (#’s 1, 2 and 5) along with a full set of X-ACTO precision knife blades, all in one convenient set, a must have for any art kit.
The original X-ACTO knife has been praised for more than 50 years as the standard for precision. Attaining this level of precision, accuracy and reliability starts with supreme quality craftsmanship. The X-ACTO precision knives are built with carbon and steel sharpened blades for a reliable cut every time. Add a full set of X-ACTO precision knife blades, you will have a knife to make the precision cut you need – every material, every time.
This must-have set contains:
- #1 Knife for precision cutting and trimming of lightweight materials
- #2 Knife for precision and trimming of medium to heavy weight materials
- #5 Knife for precision cutting of heavy weight materials
- #7, #10, #11, #16, #17, #2, #18, #19, #22, #24 precision knife blades.