Techniques for Adding Mortar Lines to your Model
Gerry LeoneDescription
Adding Mortar Lines
NMRA Master Model Railroader Gerry Leone shares three distinctive techniques for adding mortar lines to your models. The techniques are fairly simple and quick to complete. The best part is all of the techniques allow you to easily hide any mistakes you may make along the way. As you’ll see in the tutorial, the mistakes actually add to the realism of brick buildings and provide character to your model.
The three techniques are diverse and each provide a slightly different outcome. The first technique involves a mixture of diluted light paint and alcohol. The second technique involves a pastel pencil. The third technique involves dry brushing. None of the techniques are difficult, so you can give them all a try and decide which one works for you.
Some of the best weathering tips and techniques are found in our video library and will help you improve your model railroad layout. Gerry and many other model railroad experts offer their knowledge to help you build and expand your layout.