How to Clean Model Railroad Track: Cleaning Tips and Techniques
Doug HodgdonDescription
Douglas Hodgdon of Model Railroad Academy and Track Talk Live and Michael Swiridow the Curator of Pine County History Museum Model Railroad Club discuss how to clean model railroad track in this video. First Hodgdon shows the different track cleaners that are available. He first demonstrates with a Bright Boy. This is an abrasive block that has been around for over 50 years. Hodgdon uses the Bright Boy on brass track which oxidizes quickly and loses conductivity.
Even after cleaning, brass track re-oxidizes so quickly that this track material is no longer commonly used today. A foam track cleaning block is another method of how to clean model railroad track. They come in different grits and can be cut down to the shape needed. Doug scratch built a track cleaning car using this material with weights on top to bear down the foam block under the car’s body. The space between the block and the rail can be adjusted to best fit the track. This cleaning car is great to clean portions of track that are not easily accessible.
Some modelers don’t like abrasive materials because they makes tiny scratches on the track. A lighter method of how to clean model railroad track includes a paint stirring stick with a paper towel taped around the end and dipped in lacquer thinner. Modelers also use Goo Gone, an oil based cleaner that can remove dirt but leaves an oily film behind on the track. Some modelers prefer their track dry, while others prefer this way of how to clean model railroad track because the oil helps to prevent oxidation and improves electrical contact on the rail.
Another cleaning material is Rail Zip which is an automatic transmission fluid that contains a chemical meant to prevent further oxidation. Swiridow uses a system for how to clean model railroad track that is hard to access called the Tidy Track cleaning system. It is able to rotate and comes with different pads that can be attached including abrasive pads that are grooved to slide along the rail. Modelers can find it hard to clean around switches, so Swiridow suggests using electrical contact cleaner with a q-tip or paper towel.
To learn more about how to clean model railroad track such as cleaning train tracks and wheels and how to clean an old model railroad scene, visit the Model Railroad Academy Website.
Hi, I'm Doug Hodgdon from the Model Railroad Academy, and I am here with... Mike Swiridow, from the Pine County History Museum Model Railroad Club. And in this segment, we want to talk about track cleaning techniques. Now, we've had questions on track cleaning, and of course, model railroaders have a lot of opinions about what they think works for them, and so we thought we'd show what we use for track cleaning and let you make your own decision. Yes.
So first off is the Bright Boy, which has been around forever, at least 50 years, probably, if not more. And it's just an abrasive block. Now, this is a piece of brass track, which of course most people don't even use anymore, but brass would oxidize and not be conductive. Right. And so people would use a Bright Boy and actually clean the top of the rail.
But then, of course, as soon as you're done, it would want to oxidize again, and so people don't use brass rail so much anymore. That's pretty much old fashioned. The next thing is this is a foam track cleaning block, and that's sort of superseded the Bright Boy in a way, because it's foam, and you can use it as-is, and I use the, this is the medium grit. You can cut this down with a bread knife to whatever size you want and clean the track like so. And so what I did, I mentioned this to someone the other day, this is a track cleaning car.
Now, I'm in S scale. This is a track cleaning car that I scratch-built. Doesn't have to be pretty. I put weights on there to kind of put a little bit of weight on top of the sanding block. This is a sanding block, and I designed it with the washers in where the truck mounting screws are so I can adjust the height of the sanding block off the rail.
So basically, although this isn't the right size track, this track cleaning car rides along like this and cleans the track, and that's great, especially for sections of track that you can't get to, if they're hard to access. Right. So I use this, and I think it's great. Now, some people don't like abrasive, they think it scratches the rail. Now, I've never had any trouble.
I mean, if the scratches to me are so small, they're not even noticeable. But also, if my track isn't real dirty, this is a homemade thing with a paint stirring stick and just a heavy duty paper towel taped onto it, and so I can actually do this, and I put just a light bit of a lacquer thinner on it. Lacquer thinner evaporates quick, so it cleans and it's gone, and I just do this with a wetted paper towel. I think that works real well. The other thing is people use Goo Gone, and this is, it's an oil-based cleaner, and it does get dirt and stuff off your track, and it leads a little bit of an oil film afterwards, which is something I don't use.
I mean, I like to keep my rail dry. There's also other products out there. Mike and I earlier mentioned Rail Zip, which is one. It's basically automatic transmission fluid that they put in a bottle, and evidently there's supposed to be something in this chemical in the automatic transmission fluid that's a cleaner and prevents oxidation and all that. And then the Wahl Clipper Oil is another type of oil cleaner that does the same thing, and the people that like the oil think that that oil residue on the track keeps the track from oxidizing.
You know, and it supposedly improves the electrical contact in the rail. Well, like I say, I haven't... You know, for me, I don't use the oil-based stuff, but I just wanted to show what's out there. Now, Mike, you have... Yeah, what we've done here, because of the areas that we have to clean, some of it is back up against the backdrop, and we have a lot of scenery in front.
So we have some hidden track that we need to get to. This system here is the Tidy Track Cleaning System that you can get, Woodland Scenic and other people, but it'll rotate, you have different pads that you can put on there. They've got abrasive type pads out here. This will work for both HO in one direction, then you've got another direction over here that depending on which way you put it, you can use it for N gauge as well. Now, is that grooved?
So it'll stay on the rails. Right, exactly. So if you're sliding it down the rail, it'll just follow the rail. Right, so you can do deep cleaning with this. We normally don't do too much of this, maybe a couple times a year, but a lot of times we'll pick up some areas that we don't use a lot.
A lot of the sidings are not used a lot by the people that are running the train, so what we'll do is we'll use this, and then this is the stuff that comes with the Tidy Clean. Or you can buy the bottles of that, put some on the pad here, this is just a little fiber pad out here, and you can do the same thing. Nice thing on this is that if you've got a long run, you can't reach it, you can see how it does articulate out there. Yeah, that works pretty good. You know, you can just take it back and forth like this.
One of the problems that a lot of people have is in the switch, where the points come up against the rail, if you get a lot of dirt. It's an electrical contact, and electrical contact will eventually get that little black soot down there. You can use electrical contact cleaner on that too. You can get a spray bottle and spray the area there, for it to clean the track back and forth. Lot of times you can use a Q-tip or even a paper towel to get up there so that the points make the contact to go through there.
So these are the different items that we use at the museum out here to keep 'em going. You know, maybe we should mention talking about switches, you know, on those switch points, if you're relying on the switch point for electrical contact, you can, if you're using a switch motor, or even Caboose Industry's ground throw switches are available with electrical contacts, so that you can actually feed the switch through an electrical contact underneath and not have to worry about keeping those switch points clean. Right, yeah. So that's a good, good point to bring up. Yeah, but if you do, like in certain areas that we have, if we're gonna take a siding and we're not gonna power that siding, then we have to take it off the main line, so you have to throw the switch on that.
So it depends on the brand of your switch and what you're trying to accomplish. Exactly. All that kind of thing. Well, that, yeah, that sounds pretty good. Well, I think that wraps up this segment.
Thank you, Mike. Thank you.
I've tried everything from alcohol to track cleaner with only moderate short term results. I read an article on the internet showing the dielectric number of many chemicals. It turns out WD-40 is one of the best dielectric solutions, so I tried it. It's been over six months since I used it and there is no hesitation in my locomotives even at the lowest speeds. This includes a few older brass switch tracks (almost all of my track is nickel-silver). I apply it with a "Centerline" track cleaning car and Woodland Scenics hand held applicator. I now swear by WD-40. I'm sure the "Electroclean" contact cleaner also works well as it is dielectrically superior, too.
Foam block wrapped with a clean rag, spray with CRC 2-26 electrical cleaner cleans track perfectly and leaves a slight residue that prevents oxidation and repels dust. CRC is like 4 bucks for a giant spray can compared to very expensive hobby store cleaners. Not just an opinion but a proven technique that has been in the industry for many many years.
I use HO scale nickel silver track exclusively. If it needs an abrasive (paint on the rail, etc.) I use 400 grit wet'n'dry sandpaper moistened with 70% denatured alcohol, followed by wiping with a 'blue Jean' material, again, moistened with the alcohol. For normal cleaning, I have made a track cleaner car that has a piece of masonite, rough side down, that I place behind the loco and run the train around each section of track at least four times, crossing all of the turnouts. The piece of masonite is easily changed. Then, as above, I wipe it all down with the cloth moistened with alcohol. I also have a 'blue jean' pad mounted on a 4 ft. piece of 1" wide ½" plywood to reach the hidden track. I placed openings along the ends of the layout to reach in and do the cleaning.
good video, thanks.