Installing Micro-Slide Switches with Tony Koester
Tony KoesterDescription
Most locomotives will go right through the turnout without stalling, so a modeler does not have to worry about wiring. However, if they do stall, frog needs to be powered. Live frogs are most important when using small locomotives through switches. Hand thrown switches with micro-slide switches can use the physical movement of the switch to move the points on the track. These switches come with a very tiny switch rod connected to it.
Tony drills a hole in the side of the slide switch and puts wire through, bending one end down to go through a predrilled hole in the microengineering slide switch. The micro-slide switch needs to be mounted so that the physical movement of the switch moves the points on the track and so the wires can run to the frog. Switch stands are different on every railroad, but distances can run from four to eight feet from the edge of the rail. The switch should be drilled, not glued so it can be pulled out to be fixed or replaced when needed.
Tony uses compressed paper for the switch stand and drills a hole for the microswitch. The hole for the switch needs to be snug, so it is easier to start small to be able to work the hole bigger for best fit. Track nails are used to further nail down the switch.