Operations on the Emporia Subdivision of the Santa Fe
Stephen & Cinthia PriestDescription
The white wooden building is the local VFW Hall. Intermobile Number 198 moves behind the VFW as the local finished its switching. This is the start of single track. At Brusky, Train 330 will pick up a Santa Fe grain hopper and drop a trailer train lumber car. In back is the Purina mill. Three cars get dropped at Augusta, where it will leave a grain hopper, steel car, and one tank car at the yard. The Santa Fe moves into Mulvington and then Cow Thunder over the Cimarron River.
The local has two pickups at the Farmland Coop in Belle Plaine. The two units add a GATX tank car and a BN hopper to the train. With its work done, Local 330 heads for Wellington. For more Allen Keller videos, or to discover how some other model railroad experts oversee operations, visit the Model Railroad Academy archives.