Overview of the Argentine Industrial District Railway
Chuck HitchcockDescription
The new HO railroad began as an idea some ten years prior. The Argentine industrial district represents a Santa Fe switching line around Kansas City in 1963. All trains operate under yard limit rules. Allen Keller asks why Chuck departed from the mainstream operation to build a large switching layout. Operators tend to gravitate to areas where there are switching capabilities on the layout. Chuck wanted to build a layout that would provide those opportunities. The Argentine Industrial District Railway sits in a 24 by 26 foot basement that was home to the old layout for 30 years. The benchwork runs around the room and is cantilevered from the walls. The railway switches many Kansas City industries. For more Allen Keller videos, visit our Model Railroad Academy archives.
The Argentina industrial district railway of Chuck Hitchcock is his answer to the question, "Is it possible to outgrow a famous 30-year old layout?" This former Santa Fe Argentine division was famous as one of the first layouts to be operated in a prototype manner. Chuck was especially noted for his work in recreating accurate passenger train operations of the early 1950s. The old layout was a subject of "Great Model Railroads," volume 29. The new HO railroad began as an idea some 10 years ago. Again, Chuck is a pioneer in exploring a new way to enjoy the hobby.
The Argentine industrial district represents a Santa Fe switching line around Kansas City in 1963. All trains operate under yard limit rules. Hi, I'm Allen Keller. Welcome to Chuck Hitchcock's Argentine industrial district railway. Chuck, why did you depart from mainstream operation and build a large switching layout?
Allen, over the years observing model railroads to enjoy operation, they tend to gravitate towards area where there are switching possibilities or opportunities. And I wanted to build a railroad that would provide that for 'em. The Argentine industrial district railway sits in the 54x26 foot basement that was home to the old layout for 30 years. The bench work runs around the room and is cantilevered from the walls. The railway switches many Kansas City industries.
Transfer runs bring in and take out freight from all points east of the district.
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