Street Light Armature Diffusors
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Tiny LED lights are a great item to use to make realistic sized bulbs for the streetlights in your layout. In this video we´ll create a lamp diffusor, which will hide the LED light and diffuse the light in a realistic way using cotton swabs.
In this video, we will make lamp diffusers made from cotton swabs. I've found over time that these typically are made from either plastic tubing or paper. Well the paper wants won't work, but the plastic ones does. Cut the piece from the plastic tubing using a razor blade. Roll it back and forth.
It should be cut a bit longer than the LED you're using. Just dip it into fast-set glue, and aren't applied around the LED like this. See how beautiful it diffuses the light. I've been searching a long time for a plastic tube that does this, and there it was, just in front of me in my own bathroom.
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